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A Coin is a native Gno type that has a denomination and an amount. Coins can be issued by the Banker.

A coin is defined by the following:

type Coin struct {
Denom string `json:"denom"`
Amount int64 `json:"amount"`

Denom is the denomination of the coin, i.e. ugnot, and Amount is a non-negative amount of the coin.

Multiple coins can be bundled together into a Coins slice:

type Coins []Coin

This slice behaves like a mathematical set - it cannot contain duplicate Coin instances.

The Coins slice can be included in a transaction made by a user addresses or a realm. Coins in this set are then available for access by specific types of Bankers, which can manipulate them depending on access rights.

Read more about coins in the [Effective Gno] section.

The Coin(s) API can be found in under the std package reference.